Human Target – Corner Man

  • Title: Human Target – Corner Man
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Human Target - Corner Man television review

Throwback Tuesday takes us back to another episode from the First Season of Human Target. By the time it got to “Corner Man” Human Target was running on all cylinders. The show had found the right combination of humor, action, and a beautiful guest-star. Helping out a fighter (Dash Mihok) who got in over his head, Chance (Mark Valley) makes a deal with an old enemy (Kenneth Welsh), calls in a favor with a championship boxer, and puts himself in danger in an underground ultimate fighting championship all to take down a crooked promoter (Peter Wingfield). Complicating matters are a case of the yips leaving our hero not fighting at 100% and his distraction with the mark’s right-hand woman (Grace Park) in whom he sees more than a little of himself reflected.

There are several of elements in the episode to juggle but director Steve Boyum handles them well. Wingfield is fun in full-villain mode, Mihok is delightful as the dumb client who Guerrero (Jackie Earle Haley) is forced to babysit, and Grace Park is breathtaking. Oh, and the fights aren’t too bad either (although the most fun doesn’t take place in the ring but in the hotel pool where our hero turns the tables on our bad guy of the week). The episode also continues to build on the larger themes of Chance’s past which will culminate in the season finale (before sadly being immediately swept under the rug due to unnecessary changes made for Season Two). At this point, however, Human Target was everything we wanted it to be.