Human Target

The Human Target #4

Christopher Chance‘s investigation into which member of the Justice League International may have murdered him continues as he spends the day with Blue Beetle and Ice. Most of the day is spent watching the two heroes team-up to stop a number of threats across the country, and with each one Chance finds himself falling more for Tora.

We don’t get the clue Chance is looking for to lead him in a new direction until near the end of the comic, when a drunken Ted Kord points him in the direction of another member of the JLI. However, the comic is far from fruitless as Tom King and Greg Smallwood continue to balance the nostalgia and film noir themes perfectly. There’s a reckoning coming, but the journey to get there continues to be a hell of a lot of fun. I don’t want this comic to end.

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The Human Target #3

I can’t say enough about how much I am loving this comic that continues to mix a dying detective’s noir search for his own killer with just the right notes of Justice League International nostalgia. The Human Target #3 not only gives us Guy Gardner, who shows up to throw a hissy fit after discovering Ice is spending time with Christopher Chance, but also more of Ice and Chance together, and Chance talking to another former JLI member in full self-promotion mode.

We get Booster Gold in almost all his glory (sadly, no Elvis collar) along with Gardner, and Ice are all put to great use here. The cherry on top here is an unexpected final cameo of the one person who could get Guy to back off which. Aside for being a pitch perfect nod to the comic history Tom King is playing in, it further illustrates how smart and innovative Chance is, even if he remains far from finding his killer.

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The Human Target #2

The Human Target continues to surprise as the second issue introduces the dying Christopher Chance to the Justice League International‘s Ice in something of a femme fatale role who charms Chance into spending the day with her (using up one of his 11 remaining) while offering her help on the case and attempting to convince him that her best friend, despite strong motives, isn’t responsible for the attempt on Lex Luthor’s life.

Ice, rather than Fire, is an interesting choice for this role which seems far removed from her role within the JLI but still fits within the established character while offering something new. She mesmerizes Chance who notes both her coldness and the warmth of her charms. Chance accepts Ice’s help, and a late reveal gives an interesting spin on their entire day together, but our dying hero can’t help but speculate if he’s already met his killer.

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The Human Target #1

As part of DC’s Black Label, the noir-ish The Human Target #1 opens with the death of Christopher Chance in an empty hotel room before jumping back a dozen days to Chance playing the role of Lex Luthor at a LexCorp press event where a terrorist will inevitably attempt to make an attempt on the life of his client.

The sequence, beautifully rendered by artist Greg Smallwood, works well as an introduction to Chance’s line of work by taking the place of his client and putting himself in danger. As the title suggests, Chance makes his life as a Human Target.

The sequence, narrated by Chance, also keys us into a few aspects of an older Chance, less carefree than his early days, and less discerning on his choice of clientele. And that may have just gotten him killed.

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Human Target – Dead Head

  • Title: Human Target – Dead Head
  • wiki: link

Human Target - Dead Head television review

Throwback Tuesday takes us back to the Second Season of Human Target. The case of protecting an amnesiac John Doe (Roger Bart) injured in a car explosion quickly becomes personal for Winston (Chi McBride) when he discovers the person who wants their client dead is the same dirty cop (Nick Chinlund) he spent half of his career failing to bring down. A ghost from Winston’s past does offer the opportunity to flesh out his character by revealing a bit more of Winston prior to working with Chance and introducing Tracie Thoms as his estranged ex-wife.

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