Samurai Jack – Episode III: The First Fight

  • Title: Samurai Jack – Episode III: The First Fight
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Samurai Jack- Episode III: The First Fight

Wrapping up the show’s introductory arc, “Episode III” gives fans their first real taste of what will become the show’s trademark action style as more than two-thirds of the episode are devoted to a single battle between Jack (Phil LaMarr) and the beetle robots of Aku (Mako). “The First Fight” also offers another montage featuring Jack and his new canine archeologist friends laying a trap for Aku’s drones that helps weed out their numbers while still leaving a near-unending number of them for the samurai to deal with personally.

The first three episodes give you everything you need to know about the series, it’s hero, the bizarre future in which it is set, and its villain. Wrapping up the three-parter in robotic carnage that leaves our hero bruised but far from defeated Samurai Jack delivers its mission statement about a noble warrior who will never give up on his unending quest to find a way home and defeat Aku.