Indiana Jones Trivia Challenge

While Indy’s archaeological expertise is the product of years of university study and hands-on field experience, his ability to recall facts and details has gotten him out of many perilous, life-or-death situations. Now you can test your own memory to see if you’re ready to join Indy on his next expedition!

1. What is the name of Indiana Jones’ young sidekick in Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom?

2. What is the name of the nightclub that Indy visits at the beginning of Indiana Jones and the Temple Of Doom?

3. Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade finds Indy searching for what lost artifact?

4. What is Indy’s real name?

5. Where did Indy get the name “Indiana”?

6. What is the Ark of the Covenant said to contain?

7. What is the name of the tribe that protects the golden idol in Raiders of

the Lost Ark?

8. What is the name of Indy’s archaeological rival in Raiders of the Lost Ark?

9. What is the name of the Ark of the Covenant’s burial chamber?

10. What pagan cult does Indy fight in Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom?

11.  What was the name of the archaeologist under whom Indy trained at the University of Chicago…before the two had a falling out?

12.  In Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, Willie Scott is delighted to be served a “simple” bowl of soup…until she discovers its secret ingredient. What is in the soup that makes Willie faint?

13.  Indiana Jones is a professor at which university/universities?

14.  What is the name of Indy’s friend and university colleague who appears in Raiders of the Lost Ark and Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade?

15.  What is the name of Indy’s Egyptian friend in Raiders of the Lost Ark and Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade?

16.  What is the name of Indy’s love interest in Raiders of the Lost Ark?

17.  When Indy is not out on archaeological adventures, what is his day job?

18.  What does Indy hate most?

19.  What does Indy’s dad hate most?

20.  What was the name of Jock’s pet snake at the beginning of Raiders of

the Lost Ark?

21.  In what country does the bulk of Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom

take place?

22.  What is served for dessert at the Pankot Palace feast in Indiana Jones

and the Temple of Doom?

23.  What is Indy’s most distinctive weapon of choice?

24.  What fictional object does young Indy steal from grave-robbers in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, saying that it “belongs in a museum?”

25.  In Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, which Italian city hides the second

Grail tablet and the lost tomb of the Knight of the Cruciform Sword?

26.  Posing as an art expert in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, what

does Indy claim to want to inspect when he visits the imposing

Brunwald Castle in Austria?

27.  In Raiders of the Lost Ark, what artifact must be used in the Tanis map

room to discover the location of the Well of Souls?

28.  Indy’s great at piloting airplanes…except for one small detail. What is it?

29.  What symbol adorns Indy’s “lucky charm” in Indiana Jones and the

Last Crusade?

30.  In Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, what is the profession of American bombshell Willie Scott before she gets caught up in Indy’s adventure?


1. Short Round 2. Club Obi Wan 3. The Holy Grail 4. Henry Jones, Jr.  5. It was the name of his childhood dog.  6. The Ten Commandments 7. The Hovitos 8. Belloq 9. The Well of Souls 10. The Thuggee cult 11. Abner Ravenwood 12. Eyeballs 13. Marshall Raiders of the Lost Ark, Barnett Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade 14. Marcus Brody 15. Sallah 16. Marion Ravenwood 17. Teacher/professor 18. Snakes   19. Rats   20. Reggie 21. India 22. Chilled monkey brains 23. His bullwhip 24. The Cross of Coronado 25. Venice 26. Tapestries 27. The headpiece to the staff of Ra 28. He doesn’t know how to land 29. A four-leaf clover 30. Nightclub singer