Silver Surfer

Spidey Super Stories #19

Released 46 years ago, Throwback Tuesday takes a look back at Spidey Super Stories #19. For those who don’t remember the comic, Spidey Super Stories was geared towards younger readers that grew out of the Electric Company skits Spider-Man appeared on. As a joint venture, both Marvel Comics and the Children’s Television Workshop signed off on every issue. The stories usually featured Spider-Man teaming up with another Marvel hero and/or fighting a well-known Marvel villain (whose backstory was often featured in a single-page origin story).

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Defenders #1

Defenders #1 comic reviewThe arrival of the new Masked Raider inside the Sanctum Sanctorum with the story of a villain of the Enclave lost in time that could alter the past prompts to use fate and create a new team of Defenders to save the timeline. The team he gets is not exactly what he expected. Welcome to the latest version of the Defenders.

Along with Strange and the Raider, the other members of the team are the Silver Surfer, the Red Harpy, and Cloud. While we get appearances from the various characters here, we don’t get much in the way of interaction (other than confusion as to being pulled out of time and space by Dr. Strange’s spell and delivered to the planet of Taa) while most of the comic centers around the Raider explaining the trouble to the good Doctor.

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Silver Surfer: Black #3

Silver Surfer: Black #3 comic reviewStill lost at the other end of a void, separated from his proper place in space and time, Norrin Radd will make a new friend and a dangerous discovery in Silver Surfer: Black #3 that will tie back to his past and the universe’s future.

The third issue of the mini-series allows the Silver Surfer to take his respite, as the continued use of his powers has led to trouble for our hero, and get to know a little more about Ego (who has its own trouble in a meteor that crashed deep within the living planet’s core). Providing assistance to Ego, in return for the help the planet has given him, will lead to a dangerous discovery deep at the planet’s core where Norrin Radd will discover the incubator of Galactus (the creature who has ravaged the universe for eons and is also resposinble for Radd’s transformation into the first Herald).

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Silver Surfer: Black #2

Silver Surfer: Black #2 comic reviewThings get no less weird in the mini-series second issue. Lost in space and time, the Silver Surfer encounters Knull and the planet of the symbiotes. Those unfamiliar with the character may feel a bit lost here, but his motivations are rather straightforward. The ancient god is intent on removing all light from the universe and returning it the full black abyss from which he came.

Knull, the creator of the symbiotes, first attempts to use one to control the Surfer and turn him into a weapon against the universe. Having already been slave to one madman in his lifetime, the Surfer escapes (only to be chased by Knull riding a symbiote dragon – yeah, I told you this gets weird), and encounters a new ally calling to him across space.

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