The American (and some very beautiful women)

  • Title: The American
  • IMDB: link

Is there anything we won’t forgive George Clooney on-screen? Con man, thief, lawyer, killer – it seems his charm can overcome just about any handicap the script attempts to throw at his character. And that’s why he’s the perfect choice for a role just like this, especially when you surround him with such beautiful women.

In his latest foray into cinema Clooney stars as an assassin chased from the warmth of a beautiful woman (Irina Björklund) and warm fireplace in Sweden. Retreating to the Italian countryside he attempts to lay low while accepting a job creating a custom made rifle for one beautiful woman (Thekla Reuten) as he throws his passions into the arms of another beautiful woman, a local prostitute named Clara (Violante Placido). (Did I mention this film includes beautiful women?)

The American is an art film turned thriller. Some might be put-off by it’s slow pace, including long stretches between action scenes, and unwillingness to force the action (at least early on), but they’d be missing the point.

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