Shadow War

Shadow War: Omega

Shadow War: Omega comes to a close here with Geo-Force revealed to be the killer behind the death of Ra’s al Ghul and the attempts on the lives of both Talia al Ghul and Deathstroke as vengeance for what Leviathan did to his home country of Markovia. I’d say the story ends rather than concludes as the epilogue to Geo-Force’s defeat feeds right into Dark Crisis (which is actually already started before this story wraps).

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Shadow War Zone #1

Part of the current Shadow War crossover, Shadow War Zone #1 is an overpriced issue will filler back-up stories in an attempt to justify its $6 cover price. They don’t. The main storyline involves Black Canary setting out to find Deathstroke but instead running into one of Talia al Ghul‘s assassins who wants Canary’s help in hunting down and killing the mercenary and isn’t willing to take no for an answer. There’s not too much of interest about the unfortunately named Angel Breaker other than that she gets the upper-hand on Dinah on multiple occasions.

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Shadow War: Alpha #1

DC’s nine-issue crossover event Shadow War begins here with the assassination of Ra’s al Ghul just as the ecological terrorist had decided to turn himself in and look for more peaceful means to remake the world. His public death, apparently caused by Deathstroke, leaves no remains for a Lazarus Pit and a ticked off Talia al Ghul out for revenge.

While Deathstroke maintains his innocence, the League of Assassins isn’t in any mood to listen. Nor is Robin, back in Gotham to have words with his father, in any mood for mercy. The arc, which will move through various Batman titles before finishing up in Shadow War: Omega #1, will focus on solving the motives and identity of the killer. But to have any chance at the truth, first Batman will have to save Deathstroke from the army descending on him (which probably won’t earn him any points with his son).

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