August 2014

The Multiversity #1

The Multiversity #1I’m so starved for a Captain Carrot comic I’ll even read one by Grant Morrison. What has the world come to? The Multiversity launches here, and in typical Morrison fashion it’s big, messy, and jumps wildly from entertaining to pretentious and crappy.

The concept is pretty simple. There are 52 parallel Earths in the DC Universe, in-between them there exists a sort of weigh station where heroes from various worlds are assembled to deal with the threats which threaten the entire Multiverse (even if it is a stupid looking giant eye with bat wings).

The first dozen or so pages deal with events on Earth-7 where Nix Uotan (a Monitor dressed up like Static Shock for some unknown reason) falls to the grave threat of the eyeball-bat-thingy. Things pick up a bit with the introduction of President Superman of Earth-23 who is recruited into the Multiversity where he comes into contact with a variety of heroes including Captain Carrot (who thankfully is more similiar to the original character rather than the awful New 52 version).

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Doctor Who – Deep Breath

  • Title: Doctor Who – Deep Breath
  • wiki: link

“Nothing is more important than my egomania!”


Doctor Who - Deep Breath

Post-regeneration episodes are tricky. By and large the first episodes of the new actor as The Doctor focus either on an exhausted and confused Doctor trying to discover his himself for the first time (“Time and the Rani“) or resting and being out of action for much of the episode (“Castrovalva,” “The Christmas Invasion“). My main takeaway from “Deep Breath,” other than the fact that the jury is still out on just what kind of man the Twelfth Doctor (Peter Capaldi) will be, is reminding me how well-constructed an episode “The Eleventh Hour” was. The Fifth Series premiere works as a strong story apart from the novelty of introducing a new actor into the series’ starring role. By contrast, while “Deep Breath” isn’t awful, it’s a far cry from the strides Matt Smith took in his first episode as the Eleventh Doctor.

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Teen Titans Go! – Knowledge

  • Title: Teen Titans Go! – Knowledge
  • wiki: link

Teen Titans Go! - Knowledge

Tired of constant misunderstandings between herself and her teammates, a despondent Starfire (Hynden Walch) enlists the help of Raven (Tara Strong) to learn about human culture (despite the rest of the Titans worrying that Raven will turn Starfire into a total bummer). When the use of a Schoolhouse Rock! musical performance doesn’t make odd human idioms any more clear, Raven relies on magic to transform her teammate by offering her all human knowledge – with disastrous results.

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