Amazing Spider-Man #45

Amazing Spider-Man #45

Much of Amazing Spider-Man #45, which kicks off a new arc, takes place inside the walls of the Ravencroft Institute for the Criminally Insane. We start with Spider-Man sneaking into the cell of Anna Watson to provide her a cure for her insanity. Having helped her, but not able to convince her to leave, Peter returns with Mary Jane to check-in on her improved state and also runs into an old frenemy in the form of the Sandman who has a warning for Spider-Man.

I kept waiting for the evil side of the Ravencroft Institute to be revealed, but from the surface of what we see here it seems like everything the institute is doing is on the up and up (but this is sure a lot of setup if something shady isn’t happening somewhere). We also get Peter clarifying his position with Norman Osborne (tying up a loose end from the previous arc) and the teases of both an Oscorp experiment sure to go wrong and the return of the Secret Six who have some plans for Spider-Man.

[Marvel, $4.99]