Scarlet Spider #15

Scarlet Spider #15Thankfully the Kaine evil super-spider creature storyline comes to a quick end with Scarlet Spider #15. By the end of the comic things are pretty much back to normal with the former assassin restored to his human form and still unsure if his new role of hero truly suits him.

There’s plenty of action here, including the Kaine creature ripping off one of the arms of Carlos Lobo in order to save Aracely from the werewolves. It’s a little unclear whether Aracely somehow mystically causes him to revert back to normal or if her words cause Kaine to consciously return to form.

Other than adding new enemies for Scarlet Spider, this short arc merely restated the comic’s main theme (hero or killer) that’s so ingraned in the series it really didn’t need to be reintroduced so forcefully. I’m glad human Kaine is back, but far less sure of the Vertigo-esque path the comic appears to be going down (which, from comic’s last few pages, looks sure to continue in the coming months). Hit-and-Miss.

[Marvel, $2.99]