Danger Man – The Nurse

  • Title: Danger Man – The Nurse
  • IMDb: link

Danger Man - The Nurse television review

Throwback Thursday takes us back into the Cold War spycraft of Danger Man. John Drake (Patrick McGoohan) rescues two British citizens from an unnamed Arab nation facing a revolution. Choosing to remain when he hears of another English woman nearby, and knowing she won’t be safe from the rebel troops, Drake seeks out nurse Mary MacPherson (Eileen Moore) only to discover she has in her possession a small baby and the last living member of the deposed royal family. Unable to reach the helicopter, Drake and MacPherson must try to make their way on their own, a journey that leads them across an unscrupulous innkeeper (Eric Pohlmann) and a greedy local leader (Harold Kasket) looking to use the child to increase his own power.

Using a bit of misdirection, Drake comes up with a way to convince the men the baby isn’t royalty buying just enough time for the cavalry to arrive. The episode ratchets up the tension as soon as Drake goes in search of the nurse. While her good nature and naiviete serve MacPherson well in her role as nurse, her gullibility also gets her into trouble. There’s some casual flirting between the nurse and the spy, helping to break the tension while waiting for a helicopter that is prevented from landing and later struggling to make their own way to freedom. The only part of the episode that suffers from the television show’s limited budget are the desert scenes which are obviously shot on a sound stage.