The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes – The Dancing Men

  • Title: The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes – The Dancing Men
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The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes - The Dancing Men

Sherlock Sunday takes us back to 221 B Baker Street and the Granada Television’s faithful adaptations of the adventures of Sherlock Holmes. A baffled Hilton Cubitt (Tenniel Evans) travels to London to hire Sherlock Holmes (Jeremy Brett) about some unusual drawings which have scared his wife (Betsy Brantley) nearly to death. After finding a pattern and dismissing them as more than simple vandalism, Holmes sets out to break the code arriving at the true answer too late to prevent tragedy from striking at Riding Horse Manor.

Code breaking isn’t the most visual exciting thing activity to watch characters do, especially as it takes Holmes a bit too long to clue Watson (David Burke) into what is happening. Events do pick up when the investigation begins in earnest. That said, “The Dancing Men” is an interesting choice for a second Holmes adaptation as, like “A Scandal in Bohemia,” the outcome is far from a complete success for the detective despite solving the case and deducing the identity of the man responsible for both the dancing men and the tragic circumstances that befall both husband and wife the night before the detective arrives.