May 2011

Morning Glories #9

morning-glories-9-coverIt appears the Morning Glories Academy can destroy the closest ties, even the bond between brothers. The latest issue of the mysterious institution for gifted youngsters born on the same day centers around Jun and his doppleganger who is revealed to be his twin brother Hisao.

Once again we see how far Miss Daramount will go to collect one of the children prized so highly by the academy. Hisao was taken years before on the day their parents were killed as his twin brother was left to burn alive. Well, that’s only part of the story. The brothers actually switched places, altering both their destinies. The one we know as Jun is actually Hisao (and vice-versa). And why does one want to kill the other? Confused yet?

We’re also given another appearance by the mysterious stranger who helped Jin escape the fire after the murder of his parents. As to what his agenda is in helping Jin take down the academy we’re still not sure, but I’m willing to stick around to find out. Worth a look.

[Image, $2.99]

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Amazing Spider-Man #659

amazing-spider-man-659-coverSpidey and the Fantastic Four, sorry, I mean the Future Foundation, take on zombie pirates. Jenkies! And The Thing even gets into character by reprising his role as Blackbeard the Pirate.

The team returns to the site of their first ever battle with Doctor Doom, 300 years later, to discover the natives remember then well. Lots of fun here including Spider-Man saying booty at every opportunity (much to the chagrin of the Invisible Woman) and a nice twist as the real villains are finally revealed.

Meanwhile, back in New York, Carlie makes a decision that just might earn her the title of worst girlfriend ever by getting a tattoo of the Green Goblin to spite Peter for lying to her about his plans. So to teach him a lesson she permanently marks herself with the image of the man responsible for killing Peter Parker’s first love. Yeah, that should go over real well. I think it’s time to dump this chick Spidey and spend some more time with Ms. Marvel. Worth a look.

[Marvel, $3.99]

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Brightest Day #24

brightest-day-24-coverDC Comics year-long maxi-series follow-up to Blackest Night has been a trainwreck, and that’s putting it nicely. After 24 grueling issues Brightest Day has finally, and thankfully, come to an end. What was the point with bringing characters back from the dead, killing some of them off again, and generally writing bewildering stories about the restoration of the White Lantern that never went anywhere? Swamp Thing.

That’s right, the entire point of the series, it seems, was to return Alec Holland to life and then merge him back into the Green to create a new Swamp Thing. Here’s my question: Did we really need 24 issues of over-complicated nonsense to accomplish this? No, not really.

Those who kept reading this one every couple of weeks have stronger constitutions than I do. However you feel about it, Swamp Thing is back and it seems like the beginning of reincorporating Vertigo properties back into DC proper has officially begun, especially considering the tease of a certain Hellblazer we’re given as well.

[DC, $4.99]

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FF #2

ff-2-coverThe team is introduced to its newest member – Doctor Doom! Let’s just say The Thing is less than pleased. And he’s not the only one.

The FF travels to Latveria to restore their greatest enemy to full strength…because a young girl promised they would. Okay, the logic of that is more than a little iffy. There’s really no reason for Reed and Sue to agree to this just to placate Valeria, no matter what she and Reed’s father say needs to happen.

In any case, Doom is reborn and then immediately sets out to make good on his promise to Valeria. Let’s just say the Future Foundation isn’t going to like this much either.

There are some nice moments including the Moloids being taken aback by Spider-Man’s intellect and an intriguing conversation between Sue and Ben over a couple of beers that has the word “foreshadowing” written all over it. Things are a little wonky for the FF these days, but at least they aren’t boring. Worth a look.

[Marvel, $3.99]

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