December 2013

Atomic Robo Presents Real Science Adventures #12

Atomic Robo Presents Real Science Adventures #12Wrapping up the six-issue arc, Nikola Tesla leads Charles Fort, Winfield-Scott Lovecraft, Ehrie “Harry Houdini WeissMaster Wong Ke-Ying, and Annie Oakley out of the tunnels beneath the city to stop the Triumvirate of Franklin Reade, Robert Trydan, and Jack Wright and their mad plan of mass destruction and revolution.

Atomic Robo Presents Real Science Adventures #12 presents plenty of action and quick thinking from the heroes of science as they manage to stop the villains from detonating their explosives all over the city and hold out long enough for help to arrive.

The issue includes two short back-up stories involving Atomic Robo taking down a pair of spies in Nevada (by jumping out of an airplane and landing on their car) and Dr. Dinosaur laying what he considers an ingenious trap for members of Tesladyne that doesn’t produce the results the insane dinosaur hoped for. Worth a look.

[Red 5, $2.75]

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12 Years a Slave

  • Title: 12 Years a Slave
  • IMDB: link

12 Years a SlaveBased on the memoirs of Solomon Northup (Chiwetel Ejiofor), a free New England man kidnapped and forced into slavery for 12 years while visiting Washington, D.C., the historical drama from director Steve McQueen and screenwriter John Ridley is an accounting of those experiences and the long road Northup takes to make it home to his wife and children. It’s often not an easy film to watch but it is an example of exceptional filmmaking that mark it as one of the best films of 2013.

Any discussion of the film must begin with Chiwetel Ejiofor, a longtime favorite of mine. Ejiofor’s terrific performance of a man caught-up in events and circumstances far beyond his control, struggling with loosing hope or ever seeing his family again while doing what he must to survive, is a brilliant piece of acting. Against the harshness of the events which surround his character, Ejiofor’s humanity shines through as a witness to the sin of slavery. Without what he’s able to bring to the role the stark honesty of McQueen’s film would be difficult to endure.

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