October 2017

Marvel Legacy #1

Marvel Legacy #1 comic reviewIt’s easy to compare Marvel Legacy to DC’s recent Rebirth which helped restructure the DCU. However, this first issue is all over the map and far less personal than DC Universe: Rebirth #1. Over the past couple of years writers have done a pretty good job of fucking up the Marvel Universe beyond all recognition (points for those who got the Tango & Cash reference). Given it’s themes, and the need (for reasons passing all understanding) to create a team of Avengers during cave man days, comparing it more to an ambitious clusterfuck like Final Crisis would seem more apt.

Marvel has a lot to answer for. They killed the Hulk. They killed off Professor X. They killed off Cyclops. They killed off Wolverine. They turned Steve Rogers into Hydra, they replaced most of their big stars with younger characters and generally got lost down a rabbit hole without an exit plan. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

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Inhumans – Behold… The Inhumans

  • Title: Inhumans – Behold… The Inhumans
  • wiki: link

Inhumans - Behold... The Inhumans television review

Created back in the 1960s, the Inhumans were a group of D-list Marvel characters who the Marvel Cinematic Universe would latch onto half a century later to fill the gap of the missing mutants whose rights had been sold to 20th Century Fox. While Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. has played with the idea of Inhumans ever since they become a major part of the show in Season Two, it isn’t until now that Marvel has decided to bring the most recognizable group of those characters to the small screen. “Behold… The Inhumans” introduces us to the royal family of Inhumans and their cloaked capital city of Attilan hidden on Earth’s moon from humanity’s prying gaze. The recent increase of Inhumans on Earth, and them being hunted by humanity, has led King Black Bolt (Anson Mount) to send one of his most trusted subjects to the planet which will be the first of a series of events leading to Black Bolt and his family fleeing the city from his human brother’s (Iwan Rheon) coup d’etat.

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