November 2017

Justice League Action – It’ll Take a Miracle

  • Title: Justice League Action – It’ll Take a Miracle
  • wiki: link

Justice League Action - It'll Take a Miracle TV review

When Barda (Laura Post) is kidnapped by Darkseid (Jonathan Adams), Batman (Kevin Conroy) goes in search of the Mister Miracle (Roger Craig Smith) who has the only item the ruler of Apokolips is prepared to trade for – the final sequence of his Anti-Life Equation. Initially mistaking Batman for a super-hero magician, the universe’s greatest escape artist refuses to listen, but when Granny Goodness (Cloris Leachman) and her Female Furies arrive Scott is forced to explain to the world’s greatest detective just what Darkseid wants from him. Of course this means a trip to Apokolips and some trickery and sleight of hand before all is said and done and Darkseid is left without either his hostage or his equation.

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Detective Comics #967

Detective Comics #967 comic reviewTim Drake has returned, and his team is happy to see him. However, he hasn’t come back alone. Another future version of Tim Drake from an alternate timeline who took on the mantle of Batman and has a far-more murdery streak in him, has also arrived in Gotham City. Seeing a change to rewrite history, future-Tim decides to kill off the one person he hold responsible for forcing him down his current path: Batwoman.

While we still don’t know why he wants Batwoman dead, we are clued in it has something to do with Conner Kent (a version of Superboy who doesn’t exist in the Rebirth DCU). Spoiler is noticeably absent in Tim’s reunion with team, although future Tim does stop in for a pretty-creepy look-in on the younger version of his ex-girlfriend. I will admit smiling when seeing it’s Cassandra who is the first of the group (well, second if you count Batman) to welcome Tim back with a warm embrace.

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Arrow – Reversal

  • Title: Arrow – Reversal
  • wiki: link

Arrow - Reversal television review

“Reversal” offers two seemingly independent plotlines which will eventually connect to reveal the identity of the new big bad for Season Six. Good news everyone, it’s not an evil archer! Diggle‘s (David Ramsey) run as Green Arrow continues, although we get no follow-up to last week’s foreshadowing of his steroid-ish drug use to keep his tremor in check which will no doubt cause the end of his run as the vigilante through his death or someone else’s. Team Arrow struggles to understand the motives of Black Siren (Katie Cassidy) who begins killing off random people in Star City. Meanwhile, Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) is approached by her old Helix contact Alena (Kacey Rohl) who reveals the cyber-terrorist Cayden James (Michael Emerson), the one Felicity helped release from prison, is about to launch a major attack which could lead to millions of casualties.

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