June 2018

The Man of Steel #1

The Man of Steel #1 comic reviewThe Man of Steel #1 not only gives us a little bit of backstory to the new character of Rogol Zaar but it also gives readers a day in the life of Superman as the Man of Steel literally puts out a Metropolis fire, uses minimal effort to take down a pair of villains stupid enough to set up shop in Metropolis, meets a new friend, and finds a quiet moment of contemplation and joy in an unexpected moment between saving the day.

Maybe I’m just reading into things, but I was surprised by the hints of martial discord sprinkled throughout the issue. Is there trouble at home, Clark? I’m curious to see how this may play out.

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Executive Assistant Iris #1

Executive Assistant Iris #1 comic reviewMarking the 10th anniversary of the character, Aspen launches a new volume of Executive Assistant Iris which centers around a woman named Iris trained in China to become an Executive Assistant (i.e. an assassin and bodyguard for hire). The comic opens with Iris saving her latest charge, although she’s forced to admit that age is beginning to catch up with her. The rest of the comic deals with setting up the primary storyline of the freelancing Iris being offered a job by Magni Global, one of two biggest security companies around.

Initially hesitant to accept the offer, Iris is wooed by the company’s CEO and joins the team (although she’s not thrilled with taking on a junior partner as part of the deal). There’s obviously more going on with Magni Global than Iris encounters on the officical tour, and I’m guessing her discovery and reaction to the truth will likely provide the basis for the conflict over the next few issues.

The first issue introduces several threads including the character facing her own mortality, a new job, and the hidden agendas of both her new boss and new assistant.

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