Comic Rack

Comic RackIt’s a new week so it must be time to talk about comics! Welcome back to the RazorFine Comic Rack boys and girls. Pull up a bean bag and take a seat at feet of the master as we offer you this quick list of all kinds of comic book goodness set to hit comic shops and bookstores this month from all your favorite publishers including DC, Marvel, Dark Horse, Archie, Dynamite, IDW, Image Comics, and others.

This week includes Batman, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Copra, Daredevil, Doctor Doom, Gideon Falls, G.I. JOE: A Real American Hero, Harley Quinn, Isola, Lois Lane, Magicians, Marked, Nomen Omen, Red Sonja, Spider-Verse, Unbound, Usagi Yojimbo, Vengeance of Vampirella, Young Justice, the first issues of Adler, Agretsuko, Ant-Man, Backtrack, Conan: Battle for the Serpent Crown, Dark Agnes, Darth Vader, The Incredibles 2: Slow Burn, Marvel’s Avengers Hulk, and the final issues of Martian Manhunter, Napoleon Dynamite, Spider-Man & Venom: Double Trouble, and Yondu.

Enjoy issue #294

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