Amazing Spider-Man #160

Remember that time Spider-Man‘s car tried to kill him? Throwback Thursday takes us back 47 years to Amazing Spider-Man #160 in which the resurrected Spider-Mobile (believed lost in the Hudson River months before) returns and repeatedly attempts to run down the Wall-Crawler. The issue also plays on various threads of the time with another medical issue for Aunt May, Peter and Mary Jane dating, and J. Jonah Jameson‘s crusade against Spider-Man.

“My Killer, The Car!” by is a goofy tale from Len Wein and Ross Andru with a confused Spidey running from the Spider-Mobile until he eventually discovers that the Tinkerer (who gets retconned from a troublesome alien to a malcontented engineer for the purposes of the story) is behind things. The use of mysterious gas also offers a nice misdirect for Mysterio. Keeping the Tinkerer the crazy alien would probably have worked even better for such a zany premise. Certainly odd, but still a fun issue.

[Marvel, $.30]