Iron Man #200

Throwback Thursday takes us back to a classic comic featuring old Shell-Head. Released 37 years ago, Iron Man #200 brought the fight between a pissed-off Tony Stark and Obadiah Stane to a close. However, before the double-sized issue was done it will premiere a new set of armor for Iron Man in the Silver Centurion, with Tony Stark returning in the role for the first time in months, and see both the birth and death of the Iron Monger.

You can see how pieces and ideas from this comic were pulled for the original Iron Man film with the battle between Iron Monger and Iron Man, although here the villain makes use of various other distractions including some goofy henchmen and held captives in a failed attempt to best the man he’s been trying to destroy for months. Spoiler, he fails yet again.

[Marvel, $1.25]