The Sinestro Corps War Vol. 1

The first part of last year’s DC Sinestro Corps War is collected for the first time.  Sinestro returns from the Anti-Matter Universe with a Corps all his own and an agenda to destroy the Green Lanterns and spread fear across the universe.  So how does it stack-up?  Check out the full review inside the Full Diagnosis to find out!

“In blackest day, in brightest night,
beware your fears made into light,
let those who stop what’s right,
burn like my power, Sinestro’s Might!”

After being beaten once again Sinestro has retreated to the confines of Qward in the Anti-Matter Universe to hatch a new plan of revenge against the Green Lantern Corps he once served, and the man who took everything away from him – Hal Jordan.

Sinestro has flooded our universe with yellow power rings, powerful weapons granting the wearer almost infinite power.  And he’s chosen the universe’s most murderous, psychotic, and sociopathic for his his new Corps.  As the Guardians bicker in private about an unfulfilled prophecy discounted long ago as heresy, the Sinestro Corps make their move.

There are many things to enjoy in this first volume including appearances from all your favorite Lanterns including Hal, Guy Gardner, Kilowog, John Stewart, Mogo, Katma Tui, Arisia, and countless others.  Hal, given his past, is still seen as a divisive figure, but the real trouble begins when Sinestro captures Kyle and begins his war in earnest as Green Lanterns across the universe are killed.

The casualties here are staggering.  Sinestro has declared war on the Corps and the Universe they have been charged to protect.  There are also several revelations along the way including just what Ion really is, the identity of the Guardian of Sinestro’s army, and Kyle’s transformation into the new Parallax.

This isn’t really a good introduction for those unfamiliar with the Green Lantern Universe as it relies quite a bit on building on past events.  Those who have been out of the loop for awhile may seem lost, especially as several of Sinestro’s army are granted only marginal page time without introductions.  It’s also one of the bloodier mainstream tales DC has put out in quite some time.  This is war, and if you want action this is the book for you.

Although the book does deliver on an enemy worthy of the Green Lantern Corps, it does present some problems as well.  The “Book of Oa” and “Book of Parallax” are a bit puzzling to me as prophecy has never really been a strong part of Green Lantern history.  Instilling religion into a space tale?  And, I’m not afraid to say it, there’s simply too much Kyle Rayner, and although Ron Marz isn’t part of the authorship for these issues his fingerprints can be found all over the events.  Events are also put into motion which will not be understood until the following volume which may leave some readers a bit miffed as well.

This first volume gives us plenty to look at and an epic tale featuring the first real worthy foe for the Corps in quite some time.  Although I have a few problems, so far it’s still an easy recommendation and well worth checking out, especially for longtime fans of these characters.  If only someone would kill off that alley rat…

P.S. – As a side not those who haven’t picked up Booster Gold #2 (read the review) should hunt around their local comic shop for it as it includes a passage which opens up, at least the possibility, that Booster Gold may be responsible for this entire serious of events!  Oops!