The Mystery of the Dancing Devil

  • Title: The Mystery of the Dancing Devil
  • wiki: link

Throwback Thursday takes us back to a mystery involving the Three Investigators whose mantra of “We Investigate Everything” begins with a search for a young girl’s doll which uncovers a much larger mystery involving items stolen all over Pete‘s neighborhood. After Jupiter deduces that the thief is looking for a case similar in size which was squirreled away after a car accident in the neighborhood, the search takes them everywhere from spying on a local bully to talking with an expert on Oriental art and puts the Three Investigators in the path of a Dancing Devil searching for a rare statue of itself hidden in one of those cases.

There are several layers and misdirects to The Mystery of the Dancing Devil which Jupiter, Pete, and Bob will eventually uncover involving theft, forgery, ransom, and kidnapping (when they themselves are trapped by one of the villains). And before the end, Jupe will make deductions which will even surprise his friends.