The Mystery of the Deadly Double

  • Title: The Mystery of the Deadly Double
  • wiki: link

Wayback Weekend takes us back to a mystery involving the Three Investigators whose mantra of “We Investigate Everything” lead them to solving strange and unusual mysteries. In the case of The Mystery of the Deadly Double, lead investigator Jupiter Jones himself is the mystery, or rather his unexpected kidnapping which opens the tale. In that it isn’t begun by the discovery of an odd artifact or occurrence brought to the attention of the investigators, it does stand out as an unusual starting point for one of their mysteries (and initially everyone is baffled as to the reason behind the kidnapping).

The story actually features Jupiter being kidnapped multiple times for his likeness to the son of a progressive political leader of a small African country. It seems a small group who disagree with the country’s recent reforms hope to force a change in policy with the ransom of the leader’s son. However, mistaking Jupiter for Ian Carew was a mistake they could never have anticipated.

In the final act of the story, after the true Ian is discovered hiding in the Jones Salvage Yard, Jupiter puts himself in danger a second time making the kidnappers unsure which teen is the one they are after by falling back on his acting training, forcing them to take both boys and allowing time for Pete, and Bob to find them. With Jupiter captive, the other two step up on their own including Pete making a vital deduction as to who is helping the kidnappers within the embassy and ultimately leading them back to their friend and safely returning Ian as well.