The Secret of the Haunted Mirror

  • Title: The Secret of the Haunted Mirror
  • wiki: link

Throwback Thursday takes us back to a mystery involving the Three Investigators whose mantra of “We Investigate Everything” leads to investigate the history of Mrs. Danley’s giant Spanish mirror which others are attempting to buy and steal from her, and in which she keeps seeing the ghostly face of its former owner. Learning of the attempted theft, and existence of the mirror, while collecting items for the Jones Salvage Yard, the mystery is simply too much for JupiterPete, and Bob to ignore, especially after Jupiter sees the ghostly figure for himself.

In a common tactic of the novels, The Secret of the Haunted Mirror gives Mrs. Danley a pair of grandchildren to help facilitate the Three Investigators search for clues, although one getting kidnapped by those hoping to ransom him for the mirror doesn’t fit into their plans. Eventually Jupiter deduces why different people are desperate for the mirror, what is hidden inside, and how the ghostly face appears in a tale of corruption, robbery, and blackmail that goes back several years and halfway around the world.