4 Razors


  • Title: Capote
  • IMDb: link

Capote is the latest biographical film that provides a wonderful juicy role for an actor, this time for Philip Seymour Hoffman.  The film is well shot and pieced together, and cleverly cast with great performances.  Yet….there is something missing.  Although this is a very good film, almost completely overshadowed by Hoffman’s performance, it never becomes the great film it aspires to be.

The film looks at Truman Capote (Philip Seymour Hoffman) during his period of researching and writing his nonfiction novel In Cold Blood.  Traveling to Kansas with him is his friend and confidant Harper Lee (Catherine Keener).  Capote interviews the town sheriff Alvin Dewey (Chris Cooper) and his family about the murder of a local family.

Two men are arrested and charged for the crime, Perry Smith (Clifton Collins Jr.) and Dick Hickock (Mark Pellegrino).  They are tried and sentenced to hang for the murders.  Capote befriends Perry and gets them a new lawyer to file an appeal in order to keep the two alive long enough for him to get the full story of the murders for his book.

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Heads You Win, Tails You Die

  • Title: Domino
  • IMDB: link

domino-posterWhat an entertaining ride.  Although rather messy and with more than a couple of flaws, Domino delivers one of the most enjoyable and watchable films this year.  Comparison to Tarantino’s Kill Bill are probably inevitable, but this is a far superior film with actual heart.  And damn, is it fun!!

Domino Harvey (Keira Knightley) is a glamour girl with a thirst for violence turned bounty hunter.  As the film opens Domino is in custody telling FBI Agent Taryn Miles (Lucy Liu) discussing what went wrong and landed her handcuffed in the interrogation room.  Something horrible happened on the last bounty and the movie is a series of flashbacks inter-cut with Knightley telling her story and finding her own understanding of what happened out in the desert.

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Can’t Stop the Signal

  • Title: Serenity
  • IMDB: link

“I would rather have a show that a hundred people need to see than a thousand people like to see.” —Joss Whedon

serenity-posterHere’s a peculiar story, a television show that only aired for four months and was cancelled after a dozen episodes has been made into a movie. Joss Whedon’s short lived, but much beloved, Firefly told the story of Malcolm Reynolds and his crew in the distant future, got the whack from Fox Television.  Cancelled after only half a season into its run it produced big numbers when released on DVD and Whedon was asked to revive the franchise on the big screen.  So what’s the result?  Damn good if you ask me.

The movie begins four to eight months after the last episode of the series Objects in Space took place.  Captain Malcolm Reynolds (Nathan Fillion) and his crew are still doing what they do, trying to make a living, legal or criminal, out in the blackness of space.  The crew includes firstmate Zoe (Gina Torres) who served with Mal in the war for independence, on the losing side, her husband and pilot of the ship Wash (Adam Tudyk), the ship’s mechanic Kaylee (Jewel Staite), and the rather dim-witted muscle Jayne (Adam Baldwin).

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The Exorcism of Emily Rose

  • Title: The Exorcism of Emily Rose
  • IMDb: link

I am hard to please when it comes to horror movies.  I demand them to actually be creepy, scary and suspenseful which 98% of horror movies released these days sadly are not.  My curiosity was aroused from the plot blurb for The Exorcism of Emily Rose, and the actual experience I had viewing the movie was shocking.  Instead of relying on big budget special effects and buckets of blood as so many horror movies try today this film relies on suspense, character, plot, story, lighting, tone, and some of the simplest but most effective special effects I have ever seen in a horror film.  This film is gripping; I wasn’t able to take my eyes off the screen.  Nothing prepared me for what I was about to see.

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A Man Walks Into the Office of a Talent Agent…

  • Title: The Aristocrats
  • IMDB: link

One joke told over and over for ninety minutes.  It may be fair to say that The Aristocrats is the funniest documentary ever made; it is easily one of the most profane.  To be completely honest the film is a little uneven; there are more than a few slow points, but when the joke is given to the right comedian prepare to roll around the aisle in tears.  I laughed my ass off!

The documentary examines one aspect of comedians, a private joke told among themselves.  The joke it seems is as old as the comic profession.  The object of the joke is to make it as disgusting and vulgar and humorous as possible; anything is fair game.  The movie goes back and forth from analyzing the joke to actually having a host of comedians tell it.  Hold your hats folks, the folks they found can tell a joke.  Everybody’s here, it is a who’s who of comedians:  Billy Connolly, Eric Idle, Richard Lewis, Chris Rock, Lewis Black, Whoopi Goldberg, the South Park gang, Paul Reiser, Howie Mandel, the Smothers Brothers, Steven Wright, oh god I could go on and on.

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