
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

  • Title: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
  • IMDB: link

Harry Potter finally gets a little style. Harry Potter’s 5th installment of the film is well balanced in acting, technique, mood and storyline, and is a complete joy to watch. I found myself more enthralled in the characters and their relationships with one another instead of being completely bashed with one special effect after another like the 4th film. The Order of the Phoenix kept a great balance with their computer-antics and maturity of characters. Harry has his first kiss, Ron is no longer the complete blubbering idiot, Hermione isn’t so girly and winy and plenty of screen time for characters that had such small parts in the past. Getting a few extra storylines from other characters like Sirius Black, Fred & George Weasley, Neville, Luna and Cho makes the film feel more complete and a whole than just focusing on Potter’s little group. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix is the best of the 5 to date.

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  • Title: Eragon
  • IMDB: link

Eragon is based off the novel by Christopher Paolini who began writing the novel (of the same name) at the age of 15. By the age of 17 he had a New York Times Bestseller on his hands, and is now working on the third and final book of the “Inheritance Trilogy.” The film, as I suspect the book does as well, plays very much like it came from the mind of juvenile.  While that’s not all bad, it is limiting.

The story begins with a long prologue from an unseen narrator (Jeremy Irons) explaining the world of Alagaesa ruled by King Galbatorix (John Malkovich, who opens the film with what might be the dumbest line in cinema history) who has killed off all the dragons and taken control of the kingdom.

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King Klong & The Island of Monsters

  • Title: King Kong
  • IMDb: link

See what happens when you reward a director for 4 hour CGI heavy movie! King Kong is a maddening film. Peter Jackson has been dreaming of making Kong for years now.  Who would have thought his dream would become our nightmare?  There are some good moments and acting but it’s all been hidden beneath so much CGI that you can hardly see it.  I preferred the remake of Mighty Joe Young with Charlize Theron or the 1976 King Kong with Jeff Bridges to this monstrosity.

The story in a nutshell is this…  Filmmaker Carl Denham (Jack Black) along with his writer (Adrien Brody), stars Ann Darrow (Naomi Watts) and Bruce Baxter (Kyle Chandler) and his crew travel to the mysterious Skull Island to film a movie.  After about a third of the film’s running time they arrive on the island and Miss Darrow is taken captive by a aborigine tribe of pole jumpers (who mysteriously appear and disappear completely in the film) who plan to sacrifice her to Kong (voice by Andy Serkis).  While trying to save Ann the group encounters every kind of CGI monster you can imagine including numerous bugs, velociraptors, T-Rexes, oh who gives a crap, there’s a bunch of monsters okay?  After saving Ann, Carl decides to capture Kong and take him to Broadway to make his fortune.

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Harry Potter Never Goes to Class

  • Title: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
  • IMDB: link

Alright, I admit it. I’ve never read a Harry Potter book. Somehow I’ve managed to avoid this intense cultural phenomenon which has swept our nation like a very excited case of hepititis. The avoidance is not intentional, I just don’t happen to read very many books that aren’t about rock and roll. I did, however, see the second Potter movie in the theater a few years ago and I wasn’t thrilled. Well, lemme tell ya, I enjoyed this one pretty well. As a movie, with no connection to a book or any other part of the story, it stands as a very entertaining piece of 21st century computer-generated eye candy.

Let me start this portion off with a small warning: since I’m not very familiar with the Harry Potter world I’m not even going to try to use too many of their goofy terms and names for things. After only seeing the movie once it’s kind of hard for me to remember what a “death eater” is and, oh yeah, I think the school is called Hogwarts or something… anyway, all of you intense Potter fans GIVE ME A BREAK. Don’t cast a spell on me or anything like that. Thank you. And now…

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Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

  • Title: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
  • IMDB: link

It’s time for Harry to start doing things on his own. The Goblet of Fire gives the audience a look to things to come with Harry, Ron & Hermione. The 3 characters are now teenagers and begin their journey into self-acknowledgment and how they fit into the scheme of things. Harry is entered into the Triwizard Tournament completely by surprise and this chore makes him compete on his own, which leaves out the dynamic trio’s group effort to save the day. Ron & Hermione’s relationship starts to evolve through their little arguments. Hermione lets out a little secret to Ron during the Winter Yuletide Ball about her true feelings and how he should have asked her to the ball before somebody else did. The old-timers, Dumbledore, Hagrid, McGonagall, and Snape, usually concern themselves a great deal with Harry and his well being, but in The Goblet they didn’t have much to do with him. There were a few moments between Harry and the professors, but overall they were side notes in the whole scheme of things.

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