
Nightwing #10

nightwing-new-52-10-coverWith the “Night of Owls” crossovers now official done Nightwing moves forward with a new arc as Dick Grayson makes several important decisions about his future. We also get our first look at the army of vigilantes dressed up as knights and led by another New 52 villain – Paragon.

Nightwing, at least for the forseeable future, seems to be staying in Gotham and so is the Haly’s Circus as Dick comes up with a new plan to fix up Gotham’s run down amusement park Amusement Mile perhaps with the help of Tony Zucco‘s daughter Sonia. We also finally get back to the story of Nightwing being framed for murder (remember that?).

The issue finally fills in some information about the corrupt cop Detective Nie who tried to pin a murder wrap on Batman by planting evidence looks to be the man behind Nightwing’s stick showing up at a recent murder as well. This story works better for me than Paragon (although I’m betting the two are related). This was a make-or-break issue for Nightwing for me, and although it’s not great there’s enough here to bring me back for another month. Worth a look.

[DC, $2.99]

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Nightwing #9

nightwing-new-52-9-coverNightwing battles his great-grandfather William Cobb, the greatest of the Talons, and tries to save Mayor Hady from assassination as “Night of the Owls” continues. During the bloody battle which Nightwing barely survives we get Cobb’s backstory and his reasoning for joining the Court of Owls.

Although the battle between Nighwing and Talon works, the flashbacks take up far too much of the comic (you’d almost think Cobb was the comic’s main character). Neither Dick Grayson, nor the reader, really needs this amount of back story for the Grayson’s zombie assassin ancestor.

The Court of Owls storyline, which started in Batman, is working far better in than title than most of other Bat-titles it’s spread to this month. In terms of “Night of the Owls” this tie-in certainly isn’t a must-read to keep up with the main story, but for fans of Nightwing the action may, may be enough to still warrant picking it up. Hit-and-Miss.

[DC, $2.99]

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Nightwing #8

nightwing-new-52-8-coverNight of the Owls” continues as Nightwing receives Alfred‘s call for help and sets out to save the Mayor from a Talon attack. Issue #8 is a little different from what we’ve seen of the title so far as most of the issue isn’t presented from Nightwing’s perspective, but from that of a character who will only appear on the final page.

Most of the issue is narrated flashback of William Cobb, retelling his life story including his early days with Haly’s Circus and his recruitment into the Court of Owls. Nightwing is able to save the Mayor by defeating one of the Talons, but our final panel gives the arrival of another, far more deadly Talon (Cobb, who arrives to kill his descendant).

For an issue where Dick Grayson’s voice is largely absent the story still works, although I’m not sure we needed this much of Cobb’s backstory. I’m more surprised, however, by the continued level of smart aleck banter from the zombie-ish Talons. Who knew the undead were so talkative? Worth a look.

[DC, $2.99]

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Nightwing #7

nightwing-new-52-7-coverAs the big top explodes beneath them, Saiko and Nightwing have their final confrontation as the young man with some misplaced anger delivers a huge plot dump in the middle of their climactic final battle.

As in Batman #7 (also released this week) Dick learns that he was chosen by the Court of Owls to be one of their Talon killers. So… Haly’s Circus is nothing more than an early training ground for assassins for a secret order who live beneath the streets of Gotham City?

When the Flying Graysons died and Dick left the circus and Saiko was chosen in his stead. Nice of them to have a runner up, I guess. Right? On a positive note the art by Eddie Barrows continues to impress. This is probably the best looking issue of the series yet. Too bad about the story.

We also get the same sequence of Batman knocking Dick’s tooth out to prove a point as we did in Batman #7. It doesn’t work any better here (in fact it works less because Saiko has already given him some of the information he seems shocked to hear from the Dark Knight Detective). Hit-and-Miss.

[DC, $2.99]

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Nightwing #6

nightwing-6-coverWhile Haly’s Circus travels across the country Nighwing spends his free time beating up thugs for any information about Saiko. But when Raya informs Dick the circus will be returning to Gotham for the anniversary of his parents’ death, Dick knows exactly when his mysterious enemy will choose to strike.

Here’s another New 52 storyline that has been dragged out far too long. At the end of the sixth issue the villain is revealed (which may shock Grayson but does nothing for the reader as we still have no idea who Raymond is or what his insane grudge against Dick is).

There are some nice moments including Raya wavering on her part of Raymond’s plan and an uncoonected scene involving a cops retreiving one of Nightwing’s batons from a murder scene. Whether this is frame job is part of Raymond’s plan, or something else, we’ll just have to wait and see. Worth a look.

[DC, $2.99]

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