Once and Future

Once and Future #13

Once and Future #13 comic reviewWith the Beowulf misadventures now complete, Duncan, Rose, and Bridgette prepare for the next move by Merlin and Zombie Arthur. They don’t have to wait long as a murder of crows show up to deliver dark warnings to Bridgette, which she doesn’t take kindly to.

Unwilling to sit still and wait for trouble to find them, the trio goes in search of the next Lancelot, believing him to be the key to Zombie Arthur’s next move. What they find instead is a gang of Nazis and something else entirely as the Green Knight has entered their tale. His sudden appearance does help Duncan with the Nazis. Is he foe? Or just another pawn in Merlin’s larger design?

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Once and Future #12

Once and Future #12 comic reviewThe battle with monsters continue and bring forth an unexpected ally. After killing Beowulf and Grendel, Duncan and Bridgette square off against Grendel’s mother who rips through the nursing home with monstrous glee.

When help comes, it comes from the unlikely source of Mary who is done serving her role as Elaine and is now Nimue (anybody else having a hard time remember who each character is supposed to be?). Her help comes not in the form of a weapon but a book as she reads Duncan into the tale of Beowulf letting him be the hero of the story (and possibly also laying the path to his eventual demise?) which also brings Excalibur into Duncan’s temporary possession.

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Once and Future #11

Once and Future #11 comic reviewAfter killing Beowulf, who Merlin and Zombie Arthur sent after them by tricking the legendary hero into doing their bidding, Duncan and his grandmother are forced to deal with Grendel who attacks Bridgette‘s retirement community creating quite a mess.

Duncan arrives in time to help, much to the chagrin of his driver and the local police who are not happy about the inexplicable situation, but it’s Bridgette who strikes the killing blow as she expertly slices off the monster’s arm with the help of the groundskeeper’s chainsaw. The sight of the bloody senior citizen wielding a chainsaw against a mythical beast creates the issue’s lasting image. However, even after making sure the poem can continue without its hero, things aren’t quite finished just yet. Remember, Grendel had a mother.

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Once and Future #10

Once and Future #10 comic reviewLast issue’s death of Bewoulf doesn’t take long to come back and haunt Duncan and his Bridgette as the epic poem’s villain shows up in the retirement community of Duncan’s grandmother.

Once and Future #10 brings back the bit of the fun from earlier issues as Bridgette is able to stand strong while telling a freaked-out young man, this time one of the nurses at the nursing home (rather than her grandson), to stay calm. The tension runs high here with Bridgette looking for any edge to stay alive while Grendel haunts the halls. Contrasting that, we see just how far Duncan has come in a dozen issues as he hijacks a taxi and gunpoint to try and reach his grandmother.

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Once and Future #9

Once and Future #9Picking up from the end of last issue, Once and Future #9 opens with Duncan and his Gran taking on Beowulf. The pair survive (which is more than can be said for Duncan’s car) thanks to some quick thinking and a holy landmine. Once and Future #9 continues the theme of strong action and sly humor as despite dispatching Beowulf things are not going to get any easier for our young hero.

The issue offers some time with Merlin who explains the distraction of Beowulf, despite knowing that Brigette and Duncan were likely to survive that attack. There’s a clever twist as Merlin reveals that when you bring heroes back from legend they don’t come alone.

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