
This is the End

  • Title: This is the End
  • IMDB: link

This is the End

With a host of celebrities all playing themselves during the apocalypse (which begins halfway through a party at James Franco‘s house) This is the End is the kind of big dumb summer comedy you can loose yourself in for a couple of hours. The concept runs out of gas before co-writers and co-directors Evan Goldberg and Seth Rogen run out of film, and the movie is stuck with an unnecessary DreamWorks’ style dance number to end things, but there are certainly some fun moments to be had over its 107-minute running time.

The film begins with Seth Rogen welcoming his longtime friend Jay Baruchel to Los Angeles before dragging him to a party at James Franco’s house which is full of LA people Baruchel can’t stand. While escaping the party for cigarettes the pair get their first signs of something be seriously wrong when several people are pulled up into the heavens by a mysterious blue light while others are left to deal with the giant sinkholes, earthquakes, and fires that begin erupting all over the city. Eventually the wanton destruction leaves only a handful of the partygoers alive in Franco’s house.

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