Scarecrow and Mrs. King – The First Time

  • Title: Scarecrow and Mrs. King – The First Time
  • IMDb: link

Throwback Tuesday takes us to 80s Washington, D.C. and the unusual partnership between a housewife and a spy. “The First Time” introduces us to unconventional spy Lee “Scarecrow” Stetson (Bruce Boxleitner) and suburban mother Amanda King (Kate Jackson) who meet at the train station when Scarecrow hands Amanda a package he’s unable to deliver while being pursued. The pair keep getting thrown together over the course of the episode to recover the package and uncover the identity of the leak within the Agency which is leading to several agents being killed. Part spy story, part odd couple pairing, and part farce, the show’s first episode sets the tone for the series.

While out of her element, Amanda is able to deduce how the rival spies are getting their information and passing it on through the use of recipes shared on a national cooking show. She’s even able to rescue Scarecrow, and, in the bonkers final act, fly a helicopter (somewhat) leading to the capture of the enemy spies. All of the show’s regulars are on hand for the opening episode of the series including Beverly Garland as Amanda’s mother, Greg Morton and Paul Stout as Amanda’s sons, and Mel Stewart and Martha Smith as agents Billy Melrose and Francine Desmond. Rescuing Scarecrow and uncovering the plot earns Amanda a civilian role within the Agency which will grow over the series’ four-year run.