Silk Stalkings – Shock Jock

  • Title: Silk Stalkings – Shock Jock
  • IMDb: link

Silk Stalkings - Shock Jock television review

Throwback Thursday takes us back to the unsolved crimes of passion in the wealthy playground of Palm Beach, Florida. Chris (Rob Estes) and Rita (Mitzi Kapture) investigate a sleazy radio host (Rodger Bumpass) who they both like for the murder of his longtime girlfriend (Rochelle Swanson) who was planning to leave him just as the shock jock hit it big. However, the man was on the air during the time of the killing. When an unstable caller (Marta DuBois) admits to the crime before committing suicide in prison, Donovan (William Anton) is ready to call the case closed, but Chris is unwilling to walk away even when it gets him in hot water and brings a harassment lawsuit against the department.

Bumpass is well cast as the radio sleaze believing himself both above the law and far smarter than the two detectives out to prove his guilt (who he begins to humiliate on the air). “Shock Jock” marks the return of Kim Morgan Greene as former Lorenzo lover and radio psychologist Melissa Cassidy who works at the same radio station. Although the pair don’t rekindle old feelings on-camera, at least no more than a little heavy petting, Melissa is able to give Chris an important missing piece to the puzzle that allows for the detectives to prove opportunity and arrest the shock jock on air.