Spider-Man – Return of the Spider Slayer

  • Title: Spider-Man – Return of the Spider Slayer
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Spider-Man - Return of the Spider Slayer

Spidey Saturday takes us back to the 90s. The show wastes no time in bringing back the Spider Slayers. In an obvious attempt to create (pretty crappy) toys to sell, “Return of the Spider-Slayers” gives us not one, not two, but three different Spider Slayers with the new ones apparently designed off the shittiest run of Transformers ever (they even combine together to… well, do nothing really except make them infinitely easier to beat when stacked on top of each other – even though the bomb’s explosion doesn’t appear to touch the bottom Slayer). In every way, the Slayers are even less impressive a second time around.

There’s not much here other than setting up Alistair (Maxwell Caulfield) will be working for the Kingpin (Roscoe Lee Browne), several scenes of Spider-Man (Christopher Daniel Barnes) fighting the giant robots,  J. Jonah Jameson (Edward Asner) getting strapped to Spider-Man via a bomb and witnesses his heroics first-hand which doesn’t in any way change his mind about the super-hero defining his role as more caricature than character on the series, giving Eddie Brock (Hank Azaria) more to blame for Spidey for after losing another job thanks to the Spider Slayers, and the final scene which offers the first appearance of Mary Jane Watson (Sara Ballantine).