The Book of Grogu – From the Desert Comes a Stranger

  • Title: The Book of Boba Fett – Chapter 6: From the Desert Comes a Stranger
  • wiki: link

For the second episode in a row, an episode of The Book of Boba Fett is largely hijacked for a story setting up a Second Season of The Mandalorian. This time, rather than follow Din Djarin (Pedro Pascal) on a job we get the Mandalorian’s arrival at the Jedi Temple in search of Grogu and the young apprentice training with Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill). Where the last episode belonged to the Mandalorian, this one belongs to Grogu who must decide if he will stay and complete his training as a Jedi or return to his life with the Mandalorian. I have seen the argument made that this second appearance cheapens Luke’s appearance in The Mandalorian, and there is certainly a case to be made. However, the larger complaint is that it doesn’t really fit on The Book of Boba Fett.

“Chapter 6: From the Desert Comes a Stranger” is also notable for the return of Ahsoka Tano (Rosario Dawson) helping set up her own show on Disney+ (where maybe she’ll get back to her search for Thrawn). More fan service than anything else, the episode does offer a couple of fun moments as we finally get to see Luke and Ahsoka interact (likely the only time this pairing will be shown). What exactly she’s doing there, since she isn’t helping train Grogu, other than to make a cameo, isn’t explained. As for the plot, it puts in motion a sequence of events to bring Grogu and Din back together for that show’s next season (it’s almost as if someone at Disney finally realized taking out the breakout star of the show might have been a bad idea).

Given the events of The Mandalorian and the successful conclusion to the arc for both characters moving forward on their own paths, it certainly seems like the show is going backwards rather than letting the characters evolve, but for that story we’ll have to wait for the return of The Mandalorian. As for the Fett storyline, what limited parts are included here, it’s mainly to bring the various characters back to Tatooine and set up the action-packed season finale where the focus will shift back to Boba’s fight to against the Pyke Syndicate. We do get an interesting appearance from a Star Wars: The Clone Wars character as Cad Bane (Corey Burton) shows up working for the Syndicate against Fett and his interests. Another bit of fan service to be sure, but this one doesn’t seem nearly as shoehorned in as that of Skywalker and Grogu.