July 2013

Scarlet Spider #18

Scarlet Spider #18Murderous Marvel Team-Up! Last issue the Scarlet Spider was sent to kill Wolverine. In this issue our hero teams up with the X-Man to take on the Assassins Guild. After explaining that Wolverine and (some) of the X-Men were in on the Scarlet Spider’s attack via Aracely‘s telepathy, the two heroes finish faking his death and then set out together to take down and the Guild together (as Aracely stays behind to creep out and/or annoy the rest of the X-Men).

Writer Christopher Yost is in fine form here providing several fun moments between the two heroes including Kaine’s apt description of Logan, Logan’s reaction to Kaine being a clone of Spider-Man, and Wolverine’s reaction to the brilliance of the Scarlet Spider’s plan.

Next month’s issue concludes this arc, but I have really enjoyed Wolverine and Scarlet Spider together and hope we see the pair get another team-up somewhere down the line. (And it’s always interesting to see Wolverine team with someone who is arguably more murderous than he is.) Worth a look.

[Marvel, $2.99]

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #23

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #23Primarily concerned with the fallout of the last issue, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #22 focuses on the lives of two of our heroes whose lives hang in the balance. As Raphael, Michelangelo, Donatello, Splinter, and April rush a severally wounded Casey Jones to the hospital, the Shredder and his Foot Clan bring the injured Leonardo home and put him immediately under the care of Kitsune who begins manipulating the mind of the Turtles’ leader and bending it to her will.

For such a big turning point in the series the comic reunites all the artists who have worked on the title during its first two years and allows them each to draw panels from Leonardo’s fevered dreams as Kitsune’s weaves her magic to break the ties that bind Leo to his brothers and brainwash him into becoming Shredder’s loyal student.

The early juxtaposition of Leonardo and Casey is well-handled. Casey’s story offers more insight for April into her friend’s relationship with Angel, and Leonardo’s story (which includes a cameo from a concerned Karai) offers serious repercussions for the Turtles and the rest of the city. Must-read.

[IDW, $3.99]

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Batman/Superman #1

Batman/Superman #1Um, what? Writer Gre Pak’s Batman/Superman #1 is a confusing tale that doesn’t seem to fit anywhere in DC’s current New 52 storyline. It’s presented, at least initially as the first meeting between both Clark Kent and Bruce Wayne, and later between Batman and Superman. Okay, this part of the comic works fine (although Bruce Wayne’s undercover slumming isn’t well-explained).

Here’s the problem: We know that Justice League #1 is the first time the characters met, so is DC already retconning the New 52? Much more troubling is the turn the issue takes halfway through where it appears Batman and Superman have known each other for some time and Batman is confused while Superman is wearing jeans rather than his regular costume. Yeah, I’m confused too (with everything that’s happening)!

The story also involves some kind of entity that takes over its host and gets off on pain and power. The character is never properly introduced nor are his powers defined. This is a clusterfuck of a first issue that makes less sense the more you read it. Pass.

[DC, $3.99]

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Transformers Prime: Beast Hunters – Evolution

  • Title: Transformers Prime: Beast Hunters – Evolution
  • tv.com: link

Transformers Prime: Beast Hunters - Evolution

Even with the recent loss of the Insecticons, Megatron (Frank Welker) is wary enough to sacrifice Project Predacon once he realizes that Shockwave‘s (David Sobolov) first Predacon pet has the ability to transform, is far more sentient that Megatron believed, and that the creature has a desire to lead his people once again, possibly becoming a rival for Megatron’s control of the Decepticons.

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