Star Wars

Star Wars #3

Star Wars #3Tensions start to fray in Star Wars #3 as Princess Leia becomes increasingly frustrated with Luke‘s inability to follow orders and his flirtateous relationship with Prithi, another member of Leia’s secret squadron. Things aren’t going much better for Han and Chewie whose rendezvous with a contact on Coruscant ends with Solo shooting the traitor in the back and a shoot out with Imperial agents.

Unable to get Luke to follow orders, and stung by his words and reminder what he’s accomplished for the Rebellion so far, Leia benches her best pilot, but, as Mon Mothma suggests, she most consider whether her jealousy over Luke’s relationship with Prithi is clouding her judgement.

Darth Vader arrives at his new assignment, overseeing the Empire’s new secret battle station high above the forest moon of Endor: the second Death Star whose construction appears to have been well under way before the Rebellion’s destruction of the original Death Star. Worth a look.

[Dark Horse, $2.99]

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Star Wars #2

Star Wars #2As Princess Leia puts together her stealth squadron to find the Rebellion a new home base and smoke out the Imperial spy in their midst, Han Solo and Chewie run into a little trouble when Boba Fett shows up in the middle of their scheduled rendezvous. That Han is able to allude Fett (and the Star Destroyer that shows up as reinforcements for the bounty hunter) is no surprise, but the final destination of Coruscant certainly makes you wonder just what kind of mission Solo and his Wookiee companion have been given.

This issue introduces us to the members of Leia’s team, who will work in secret and separately from the rest of the Rebellion. Along with Leia the team consists of Wedge Antilles, Luke Skywalker, Rus Kal, Prithi, Falback Kord, Tess Alder, Ardana Cinn, and Gramm Cortess.

Although we don’t get an appearance by Darth Vader here we do get a short scene with Col. Bircher taking over command of the Star Destroyer Devastator to hunt down and kill as many Rebels as possible as the Dark Lord of the Sith finds himself reassigned on a special mission for the Emperor. Worth a look.

[Dark Horse, $2.99]

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Star Wars #1

Set immediately following the Battle of Yavin, Dark Horse’s new ongoing series features the Rebellion struggling after their biggest success – destroying the Death Star. With limited resources Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia Organa, and Wedge Antilles search for a new home base for the Rebellion on the edges of the galaxy.

As first issues go Star Wars #1 isn’t bad, but I was confused by the puzzling choice of making Leia a fighter pilot. The Princess has plenty of skills, but I can’t ever remember this being one of them (and I’ve read a boatload of Star Wars novels and comics).

After our heroic triumvirate barely survive and Imperial ambush, Mon Mothma gives Leia her own command cut-off from the rest of the Rebellion with two objectives. First, to find a new base. And second, to discover if the Empire has a spy within the Fleet.

We also get an appearance by Darth Vader, haunted by his failure at Yavin. Reassigned by the Emperor, the Dark Lord of the Sith should have plenty of opportunities to try and make up for his mistakes and begin his search for young Skyalker. Worth a look.

[Dark Horse, $2.99]

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