Usagi Yojimbo

Usagi Yojimbo #136

usagi-yojimbo-136-coverThe rabbit ronin’s travels lead him to cross paths with Suzuki-Sensei, a friend to his master Katsuichi, and moves further into the countryside that is threatened by the attacks of the mysterious and deadly Red Scorpion Gang (which may be far closer than Usagi Yojimbo realizes).

As we’ve come to expect, Stan Sakai delivers another strong issue. I especially enjoyed the duel between Usagi and Suzuki-Sensei in front of his students, and the split-second decision Usagi must make whether or not to win the match. Usagi makes the right decision, which may prove more important than he realizes as this storyline continues.

This issue begins a multi-story arc and the final page delivers all we need to know about the troubles the rabbit ronin has in store for him next month. If you haven’t been reading Usagi (what’s wrong with you?) this is actually a really good story to jump in and get your feet wet with the character and his world. Worth a look.

[Dark Horse, $3.50]

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Usagi Yojimbo #135

usagi-yojimbo-135Usagi Yojimbo‘s travels take him on a trek through secret mountain trails and another encounter with the deadly Lord of Owls.

The mysterious villain kills two groups of warriors, the first in a flashback told to Usagi by his mountain guide, and the second before Usagi’s eyes as the mysterious creature mercilessly strikes down a band of outlaws disguised as monks.

As a single issue tale this one doesn’t do much to stand-out, but from the verbal fencing between Usagi and the Lord of Owls you get the feeling writer Stan Sakai is laying the groundwork for an important future tale. On its own it’s good story, but I wanted a little more. I also felt the art was slightly below Sakai’s usual level of quality. Then again, I’ve been reading through a glut of very strong classic Usagi stories recently, so it’s possible I’m judging this one too harshly by comparison.

Fans of the character will no doubt want to pick this one up, but for casual readers this issue delivers more on promise than execution.

[Dark Horse, $3.50]

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