The Pretender – Jaroldo!

  • Title: The Pretender – Jaroldo!
  • wiki: link

Throwback Thursday takes us back to another episode featuring a man who can be anyone he wants to be. To investigate a gang shooting that left a cameraman (Ron Winston Yuan) with the use of only one arm, Jarod (Michael T. Weiss) becomes a Seattle news cameraman where he discovers an unscrupulous news anchor (Gregory Itzin) on the downside of his career arranged for the shootout to take place by egging on the two sides in a turf warrior in order to create a bigger story. With the help of the raw footage editor (Lisa Howard), Jarod arranges another news story involving the gangs to reveal the truth.

More than just the normal B-story of hunting Jarod or dealing with the Centre intrigue, Miss Parker (Andrea Parker)  and Sydney (Patrick Bauchau)  get trapped in a Bronx warehouse where an armed robbery leaves Sydney with a gunshot wound and no way for either of them to call for help in a building wired for demolition. While Broots (Jon Gries) searches for them, eventually getting some help for Jarod, the situation allows for flashbacks to the funeral of Miss Parker’s mother and Sydney’s attempts to ease her suffering which tie into the pair’s current predicament and the present conversation between the pair about why Sydney refused to leave the Centre.