Moon Knight

Moon Knight #10

moon-knight-10-coverWith only a couple issues left before the cancellation of the series (Moon Knight #12 will be final issue) writer Brian Michael Bendis doesn’t hold back in giving us the death of a supporting character (and perhaps the death of any happiness Marc Spector might find out of his costume) and Moon Knight locked up in a hospital ward trying to make sense of the fallout with his battle with Count Nefaria.

Although Echo might be gone, a decision I’m decidedly against, Bendis does introduce a new character into the equation as Nefaria’s daughter Madame Masque is brought in to retrieve the Ultron head.

Given recent events, the humor regularly associated with this comic is placed on hold. Instead we get a couple of graphic panels including Madame Masque blowing people away and Echo’s dead body on a coroner’s slab during her autopsy.

This isn’t the best issue of the series by any means, but it’s definitely still worth a look.

[Marvel, $2.99]

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Moon Knight #9

moon-knight-9-coverThe latest issue of Moon Knight gives us a rematch between Count Nefaria and out hero as Moon Knight tries his best to survive against a super-villain far outside his weight class. Inter-cut throughout the battle are sequences between Moon Knight and Buck showcasing Moon Knight asking for the various weapons he’ll use to try and survive the fight with Nefaria.

Once again Brian Michael Bendis gives us an issue full of great moments, including Buck’s realization why his boss is asking him for the weapons of Captain America, Spider-Man, and Wolverine. In true crazy hero fashion our hero starts hearing that personality as he uses the shield, web-shooters, or claws which means his tactics against the villain vary wildly from pulling him in front of a car to trying to cut his head off.

Aside for one panel with Echo where things get real very quickly (and which better be a tease!), I thoroughly enjoyed myself from cover to cover. Worth a look.

[Marvel, $3.99]

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Moon Knight #8

moon-knight-8-coverWith Count Nefaria now exposed as the kingpin of Los Angeles, and Snapdragon now in police custody, Moon Knight and Echo continue their partnership by attacking several of Nefaria’s illegal ventures and businesses.

Moon Knight’s team becomes a little more realized here as Echo meets Buck and signs up for more action, and Moon Knight enlists the help of a reluctant Los Angeles police detective who is stymied by his captain when he offers up evidence of Nefaria’s illegal activities on a silver platter.

Moon Knight and Echo’s dialogue is the highlight of the issue, but there are some other moments worth mention including Marc Spector’s surreal conversation with his assistant why the werewolves in his TV-show can’t look more real, and Detective Hall’s immediate reluctance to help a vigilante. Best of the week.

[Marvel, $3.99]

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Moon Knight #7

moon-knight-cover-7The series’ first arc comes to a close with Moon Knight setting a trap and exposing Count Nefaria as the Kingpin of Los Angeles. Although the issue is extremely light on the one relationship that has made the previous issues so good (Echo barely makes an appearance here) we get plenty of Moon Knight dealing with his multiple personalities before putting his insane plan into action.

Despite having questions about his sanity, and having already turned him into the Avengers, Buck agrees to help Moon Knight sell a fake Ultron head to lure our the Los Angeles kingpin. Their plan, thanks to decomissioned S.H.I.E.L.D. toxin to slow down mutants, is somewhat successful.

Moon Knight is able to capture Snapdragon, but the victory is somewhat hollow with the knowledge that Count Nefaria has escaped and Moon Knight just may have missed his one opportunity to take down a villain far outside his power level.

A good end to the series first story arc. It will be interesting to see where things go from here. Worth a look.

[Marvel, $3.99]

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Moon Knight #6

moon-knight-6-coverThe latest issue of Moon Knight may be the best yet. Echo and Moon Knight sit down to talk after their blowup (you know, when he kissed her and she punched him in the face repeatedly). The pair admit, but do not give into, their attraction to each other, and Brian Michael Bendis makes a ingenious observation about the similarities of the two heroes.

This issue also sees the final fate of the Night Shift. The Los Angeles Kingpin (who is finally revealed in this issue) doesn’t take kindly to failure. The choice of Count Nefaria is an interesting one (to be honest, I’d forgotten he even existed) as it gives Moon Knight an adversary powerful enough to be a threat but C-List enough not to overpower the book.

My favorite part of this issue, however, is when the Avengers (the ones Moon Knight has been hallucinating about for weeks) actually show up to have a talk with him. This provides the week’s best panel as Spidey has a question for Moon Knight about his latest tactics. Best of the week.

[Marvel, $3.99]

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