Morning Glories

Morning Glories #28

Morning Glories #28Continuing the stories from the last issue’s Second Season premiere, we are given more of Casey‘s time as Mrs. Clarkson on the fateful night she finished her role by confronting and coercing her mother to make a difficult decision as well as her first night back in to her own time with Miss Hodge on the night she will be asked once again to make a difficult sacrifice in order to set things right.

The issue also gives us more of Hunter‘s odd experiences with the older Jade involving not one, not two, but three dreams and discussions of both Descartes and Philip K. Dick before the young man realizes any real answers he’ll also have to find for himself. And on that note Hunter is given the chance to be their for Casey as she faces her destiny with the weird giant spinning top in the basement of Morning Glories Academy.

Of course none of this would be necessary if Irina wasn’t leading a revolution and was about to publicly kill Ike to prove here point. However, it appears she may have spent a little too long grandstanding.

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Morning Glories #27

Morning Glories #27The second season of Morning Glories begins here with Casey‘s return from the past thanks to Hunter and the older Jade resetting the timeline. If you think that means things are going to be less complicated from here on out, you haven’t been reading this comic. After convincing they younger version of herself and her parents to enroll in Morning Glories Academy, Casey steps out of the cave with the memories, but not the mileage, of those experiences to punch Miss Hodge squarely in the jaw.

As the older Jade explains the new status quo to Hunter, the game pieces have all been reset to the their original places but the rules themselves have been completely out the window. What happens from here on out with Irina, Abraham, and the saving or destruction of the academy will largely depend on what Casey does next.

For a Morning Glories comic issue #27 is pretty straightforward. We also get to interesting features at the back of the comic including summary and supposition from “Professor Meylikhov” and a cute recap of the first season. Worth a look.

[Image, $3.99]

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Morning Glories #26

Morning Glories #26After months of leaving the fate of Casey Blevins up in the air, the latest issue of Morning Glories puts her storyline front and center as the comic kicks off it’s Second Season with a full-sized $1 issue which gives us a few clues as to how Casey has been spending her time since being sent back nearly two decades into the past.

As fans of the series have come to expect, an issue like this raises more questions than it answers. We get a montage of panels from artist Joe Eisma teasing the covert work Casey has been up to since we saw her last as well as a pair of shocking reveals following an odd dinner between Casey and Abraham.

The first big reveal is Casey is secretly Ms. Clarskon, one of Casey’s old high school teachers before being accepted into Morning Glories. And the second, is the scary resemblance to Ms. Daramount, once Casey embraces life as a brunette, and all of the insane implications that come with it. It’s certainly a memorable way to kick off the next arc. Worth a look.

[Image, $1.00]

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Morning Glories #25

Morning Glories #25Billed as the “Season Finale,” the double-sized Morning Glories #25 fills in several missing scenes, while revisiting others, from the first two dozen issues of the comic’s run. There are no big revelations (except this one), but we do get some clarity on a handful of the characters’ motivations (particularly those of Abraham and Irina).

Hisao (who is really Jun) dies in his brother’s arms, Abraham is forced to reveal more than he’d like to Ike who is holding the current version of Jade hostage, and Irina’s true mission is revealed to the rest of her group when Guillame reveals that Irina isn’t hear to save Abraham but to kill his son (which, according to how she reads the situation, is the only way to save them all).

Hunter is saved by an older version of Jade who gets him to uses his mysterious ability to try and set the events, which are currently spiraling out of control, back on their natural path. However, it’s the one character (Casey) whose story isn’t touched on here who we learn is the key to everything. Worth a look.

[Image, $3.99]

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Morning Glories #24

morning-glories-24-coverThe latest super-sized issue of Morning Glories centers around Ike‘s relationship with his estranged father Abraham. Over the course of the issue we’re shown several flashbacks of Ike and his father including the first time the young man murdered him.

With Abraham now a prisoner of Mr. Gribbs, the Morning Glories Academy stooge tries to pressure Ike into killing his father again (this time a little more permanently) by threatening the life of Jade should he refuse. By the end of the issue Ike’s cunning wins out, but it also leaves both Jade and his father in a precarious situation as the young man demands the answers to questions that have been kept from him his entire life.

Although Morning Glories #24 doesn’t answer any of the big questions the series has kept under wraps for two years it does provide some background to Ike and one hell of a cliffhanger that should promise real answers whenever the comic returns to this storyline. Worth a look.

[Image, $3.99]

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